Yoga for fibroids
Yoga for fibroids should be gentle and recognise the discomfort that fibroids can create. A good yoga teacher will encourage you to modify your practise to suit your body. So you can practise without worrying that you won’t be able to participate because of your fibroids.
Why yoga for fibroids?
Exercise in general is beneficial in reducing the size and growth of fibroids. It helps to balance hormones which are responsible for fibroid growth. Yoga can help to reduce the pain and discomfort of fibroids. Practising regularly also creates a mind/body connection that often encourages further lifestyle changes to limit fibroid growth.
While there is currently no clinical evidence to show that yoga can help shrink fibroids, it has been shown to significantly reduce the stress and anxiety around fibroid treatment. In a study published in Biomedical Research July 2017, researchers determined that stress reduction helped improve patients’ outcomes going into various treatments for their uterine fibroids.
Where to start with yoga for fibroids?
If you’ve never practised yoga before, choose a gentle class that allows you time to move comfortably between poses. From there, you are welcome to build up to more challenging classes as your stamina grows. There is no reason why you can’t practise more intense styles of yoga with fibroids, although you should feel restored afterwards and not depleted. If you’re looking for a place to start, try this yoga for fibroids class below.
Yoga with fibroids will differ for each individual woman. Some women feel heavy or uncomfortable in the pelvis, particularly with compression of the belly. Because of this we will avoid compression of the uterus in this class, but will massage the digestive system to help with gut health and digestion.
We’ll also work to increase circulation. (Any movement that gets your blood pumping also does this. so walking, dancing, are all also great to increase circulation)
Fibroids are related to the energy of the sacral chakra. Past issues or unresolved conflicts relating to sexuality, relationships or creativity can block the sacral chakra. Sometimes these emotional energies manifest in physical symptoms.
Physical asana, pranayama and visualisation can be helpful in releasing blocked emotions and trauma held in the body. Unexpressed creative energy can also cause issues in the sacral chakra. Encouraging creativity and noticing what activities help us achieve flow state can be helpful in releasing sacral chakra stagnation.
What are fibroids?
Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous growths in the wall of the uterus that often appear during childbearing years. Fibroids can cause pain, excessive vaginal bleeding, dysfunctional menstrual cycles, and pressure on other organs. They can also cause problems with fertility, as they can interfere with implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterine lining.
What causes fibroids?
The exact cause of uterine fibroids is unknown, although they appear to be related to hormonal imbalances (specifically an excess of oestrogen). You may be predisposed to fibroids due to genetics and/or lifestyle choices.
Chinese medicine views fibroids as a result of blood stagnation in the uterus or an accumulation of dampness caused by poor digestion. For this reason yoga for fibroids aims to improve circulation of both blood flow and energy (prana or chi) and improve digestion.
What are the symptoms of fibroids?
Symptoms of fibroids can include:
- Heavy periods
- Prolonged periods
- Pressure in the pelvic bowl
- Frequent urination
- Constipation
- Back ache
- Leg pain
- Pain during sex
How do fibroids affect fertility and pregnancy?
Most women with fibroids won’t suffer from infertility, however the size and position of fibroids can affect conception. Fibroids can change the shape of the cervix or uterus. This may limit the sperm entering the uterus and whether sperm and egg meet. Fibroids can block fallopian tubes and reduce blood flow to the uterus causing issues conceiving.
Women who have fibroids are more likely to have complications during pregnancy and childbirth. These include; preterm delivery, caesarian section, breech delivery and placental abruption.
How are fibroids treated?
- A common treatment for fibroids is the birth control pill. (However this only masks the symptoms and doesn’t treat the cause.)
- Surgery to remove fibroids. This procedure is invasive and can cause scar tissue which may impact future pregnancies.
- Reduce oestrogen and balance hormones through lifestyle choices. Eg. increasing movement, reducing processed food, balancing blood sugar, limiting caffeine, alcohol and other toxins.
Where to start if you have fibroids?
If undiagnosed, visit your doctor to receive an ultrasound to confirm that you have fibroids and whether their positioning will impact your fertility and pregnancy.
Start with a gentle yoga class designed for fibroids and build up intensity from there.
Consider lifestyle choices that can treat uterine fibroids naturally.
Are you a yoga teacher looking to teach fertility or womb yoga? Find more information in my fertility yoga teacher training here.
Can women with large fibroids do inversion poses?
There is not a lot of research into this. My advice would be – get cleared for yoga practice from your doctor first. Then be guided by your body. Do inversions feel comfortable?